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Death of a Whale

Brokat Films / Poland / 2016 / 1,5 min

Section: Art


Director, screenplay, cinematography, editing, sound: Brokat Films

Music: Sasa Lubińska

Producers: Brokat Films

Production: Brokat Films

World sales: Brokat Films

Language: without dialogue


The rush towards the next moment, turning into a run towards the edge. Is it worth stopping? Or maybe the motion can be seen more easily? Sasa Lubińska's music video for her song “Śmierć Walenia” (“Death of a Whale”) is a short, only one and a half minute rhythmic film etude that strokes the wet issue of our unconscious pursuit of ultimate statics.





Brokat Films or life like a documentary film. Two electrifying personalities - Sasa and Joasia, in the world of post-Internet overkill create a YouTube channel where they present scenes from their life and adventures in staggeringly nonsensical genre conventions, eagerly impersonating personal coaches. Brokat Films was created in March of 2016. Their productions include a series “Gotuj z Sasą” (‘Cook with Sasa’), as well as a couple of animations and short videos. Music videos for Sasa’s record Pozdrawiam”, released in 2016, can also be found on the channel. Currently in production is the second series entitled “Styl z Sasą” (‘Style with Sasa’). Sasa and Joasia also perform live.


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HER Docs Foundation I HER Docs Film Festival
ul. Foksal 3/5, 4th floor, 00-366 Warsaw, Poland | | ©️ 2019 

Kino Muranów

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