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Polish Women on Strike

dir. Kasia Prus / Poland / 2016 / 3 min. / Warsaw premiere

Section: New Faces


Director: Kasia Prus

Screenplay: Kasia Prus

Cinematography: Kasia Prus

Editing: Kasia Prus

Sound: Bartek Idzi

Producers: Kasia Prus

World sales: Kasia Prus

Language: Polish


The film is screened together with "Delphine and Carole".


On October 3, 2016 thousands of women in Poland have gone on strike in protest against proposals for a total ban on abortions. They marched through the streets wearing black as a sign of mourning for their reproductive rights. The film registers my feelings during the march: anxiety, desperation and hope. Visually it refers to the 70’s style newsreel to underline the historical importance of the event. The images resonate with sound interventions by Bartek Idzi.


Demakijaż - Festiwal Kina Kobiet, Sisters Make Film, Amnesty International Festival of Choice, LET’S SEE Short Film, dokumentART, dokART Zukunftstreff



Kasia Prus studied film at the University of South Wales in Newport and at FAMU International in Prague. During her studies, she conducted research in the Stanley Kubrick Archive in London. “Alex is Still Alive”, a film based on her script inspired by Kubrick’s notes was screened at BFI Kubrick Season. In 2018 Kasia took part in the first edition of the Film Atelier, developing her script of a feature-length film „Jak mogliśmy przegapić tę niesamowitą historię Andrei Barnes” (“How Could We Miss this Extraordinary Story of Andrea Barnes”). Her short films were presented at international film festivals, including those dedicated to feminist cinema. She is a scriptwriter, editor and collaborates with IAI, an Internet television, creating videos during the How The Light Gets In festival. As a member of the Digital Marker Collective, she works on XR projects.


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HER Docs Foundation I HER Docs Film Festival
ul. Foksal 3/5, 4th floor, 00-366 Warsaw, Poland | | ©️ 2019 

Kino Muranów

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